Tag Archives: Sony interviews

CP+ interview with Sony

Phototrend interviewed Sony’s Senior Manager at the 2023 CP+ show in Japan – here is the recap:

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Sony interview: if 1% of smartphone photographers got interested in mirrorless, it would double the market

Newswitch published a new interview with Yasuyuki Nagata (Senior General Manager Sony Imaging Products & Solutions) – here is the recap from SonyAddict:

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Interview with Yasuyuki Nagata, head of Sony’s global interchangeable lens business

Dpreview published an interview with Yasuyuki Nagata, head of Sony’s global interchangeable lens business. Here is the recap from SonyAddict:

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Sony interview: “First full-frame, then APS-C”

Dpreview published their CP+ interview with Sony, here is the recap from SonyAddict:

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Sony confirmed again that a new “enthusiast” APS-C mirrorless camera is coming

Random reports about a new high-end Sony APS-C mirrorless camera (with EVF?) have been going around for years without any real leaks or trustable sources. The only reliable information so far is coming from Sony directly: In October 2018 Sony promised more APS-C mirrorless lenses and cameras Also in October 2018 Sony promised that they […]

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Sony could make f/1 lens if they wanted but there isn’t really a market for them, new lens beyond the 400mm f/2.8 is coming

Amateur Photographer published their interview with Kenji Tanaka from Sony cameras. Here is the recap from SonyAddict:

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Sony promising more APS-C mirrorless lenses and cameras, no plans to go medium format

Sony did not announce a new APS-C mirrorless camera before, during or after the Photokina show as some have suggested. In a recent interview, Sony confirmed that a new APS-C based mirrorless camera will be announced by the CP+ show that will take place at the end of February (February 28th – March 3th). Today Dpreview […]

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Lensvid interview with Sony at Photokina

Lensvid published their interview with Mr. Yann Salmon-Legagneur (General manager for product marketing in Sony Europe) taken during the 2018 Photokina show: Here is a recap of the interview:

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