Monthly Archives: September 2017

Oprema Jena Biotar 58mm f/2 lens additional information

The Oprema Jena Biotar 58mm f/2 lens is now available as a separate product on Indiegogo (previously the lens was available only as a part of the Biotar 75/1.5 Kickstarter project). Additional information: Oprema Jena Biotar 58mm f/2 lens design: Oprema Jena Biotar 58mm f/2 lens MTF chart: Sample photos: Press release:

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Announced today: Lensbaby Composer Pro II with Sweet 80 Optic lens

Just a quick mention of the new Lensbaby Composer Pro II with Sweet 80 Optic lens that was announced today. Pricing and availability for the different mounts can be found here. Lens specifications:

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Adobe Lightroom 7 rumors

Here is some information on the upcoming Adobe Lightroom 7 release from a current beta tester:

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The Oprema Jena Biotar 58mm f/2 lens will have 17 aperture blades

A quick update on the new Oprema Jena Biotar 58mm f/2 lens (currently on Kickstarter) – it will be the “world’s only” lens with 17 aperture blades:

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More on that Yashica “comeback”

Some additional information on that Yashica “comeback” – a company in Hong Kong currently owns the Yashica brand and they currently sell smartphone lenses:

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The latest US rebates and deals on photo gear

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Rumors: something is going on between Leica and Zenit

You probably remember my post from February last year, where a Zenit representative made this comment about their upcoming products: “This is a very high demand product, we want to make it a luxury device, by analogy with the Leica” In addition to several new lenses (including a new Zenitar 50mm f/0.95 E full-frame E-mount lens), Zenit […]

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New Profoto A1 speedlight leaked online

Profoto is preparing to announce their first speedlight that will be called A1. Here are the leaked specifications:

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