Category Archives: Adobe

Adobe Lightroom 6 coming next week?

Update: the Lightroom is now officially announced. There have been multiple reports in the past about a potential/rumored release date for the upcoming Adobe Lightroom 6. Here is another one, this time from Scott Kelby who is promoting a big double secret event on Tuesday, April 21st: For an overview of Adobe Lightroom 6, see […]

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What else is new?

→ The Sony a7r mirrorless camera is now $400 off. → The Samsung NX500 lens kit is now $100 off. → New price drop on Canon lenses (up to $800 off). → Mitakon lenses now available at B&H. → If you purchase any MindShift Gear backpack between now and May 15, you will get a free […]

Also posted in Canon, Deals, Lytro, Mitakon, Olympus, Samsung, Sony | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Adobe Lightroom 6 US pricing leaked online

Few days ago BestBuy published on their website the US pricing for the upcoming Adobe Lightroom 6 software. The US pricing will be $149.99 for the regular version and $79.99 for the student/teacher edition. Here are the hardware and operating system specifications:

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Adobe Camera Raw 8.8 now available

Adobe released Camera Raw 8.8. The DNG Converter 8.8 is available for download: Windows | Mac. Camera Raw 8.8 release notes:

Posted in Adobe | 6 Comments

What else is new?

→ Samsung NX500 is scheduled to start shipping on March 18, 2015. → I received an email from B&H that the Samsung NX mirrorless camera is now discontinued. I don’t think this model ever shipped in the US. → Adobe is offering a non-significant savings to Fuji camera owners for Creative Cloud. → Lexar issued a […]

Also posted in Fuji, Lexar, Lytro, Samsung | Tagged | 12 Comments

The latest Adobe Lightroom 6 leaks: announcement on March 25th

The latest Adobe Lightroom 6 leaks from online retailers suggest that the official announcement will be on March 25th (prices are in Australian dollars):

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Adobe Lightroom 6 listed on Amazon Japan with March 20th shipping date

Adobe Lightroom 6 is also listed on Amazon Japan with a March 20th shipping date. Previous leaks listed March 9th as a potential release date.

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Adobe Lightroom 6 HDR merge video leaked online

The first Adobe Lightroom 6 HDR merge video is now available online. Hurry up before they remove it… Update: the video was removed on the provided link but it is still available here. More on the upcoming Lightroom 6 can be found here.

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