Category Archives: Meyer Optik Görlitz

Kickstarter to revive the Primoplan f1.9/58 and Primoplan f1.9/75 lenses ends tomorrow

The Kickstarter project for the Meyer-Optik Primoplan 58mm f/1.9 lens ends tomorrow. So far over $780k were raised (the initial goal was $50k). In addition to the Primoplan 58mm f/1.9 lens, Meyer-Optik also included a new Primoplan 75mm f/1.9 lens for certain support price levels. Here are few sample images from the prototype Primoplan 75/f1.9 lens taken with […]

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Primoplan 75/f1.9 is another Meyer-Optik lens on Kickstarter

So there were two new Meyer-Optik lenses on that teaser after all – the company just announced today a second lens, the Primoplan 75/f1.9, that will join the Primoplan 58/f1.9 on Kickstarter: Additional infromation:

Posted in Meyer Optik Görlitz | Tagged | 11 Comments

Meyer-Optik launches Kickstarter to revive the Primoplan f1.9/58 lens

Meyer Optik started a new Kickstarter campaign for the remake of the Primoplan f1.9/58 lens. It seems that the teaser was only for one new lens as initially reported two days ago. Here are the details:

Posted in Meyer Optik Görlitz | Tagged | 5 Comments

Meyer Optik to announce a new lens on Friday

Meyer Optik will announce a new lens on Friday – see the teaser above: for perspective and scale, in the background to the left and center it appears to be the Trioplan 50 and Trioplan 100. The new lens (in front center) has a profile similar to the T50: Update – there are actually two new […]

Posted in Meyer Optik Görlitz | Tagged | 6 Comments

Meyer-Optik announces a new Trimagon f2.6/95 portrait lens

Meyer-Optik announced a new Trimagon f2.6/95 portrait lens. Here are the main specs: Light intensity & focal length: f2.6-22; 95mm Optical design: 3 elements in 3 assembly units Angle of view: 25° Filter diameter: 52mm Optical assembly as a classic triplet | 3 lenses/3 units Iris diaphragm with 15 specially calculated steel aperture blades with […]

Posted in Meyer Optik Görlitz | 16 Comments

New Meyer-Optik titanium and gold plated limited edition Trioplan f2.8/100 lenses

Meyer-Optik announced a new limited editions of the Trioplan f2.8/100 lens to commemorate their 100 year anniversary.  Only 100 titanium and 10 gold plated lenses will be available:

Posted in Meyer Optik Görlitz | Tagged | 5 Comments

What else is new?

→ New: Elinchrom EL-Skyport Universal Plus flash trigger (more info available here). → Also new: Entaniya lenses and rigs for ribcage-modified GoPro cameras (see all listings). → Xiaomi’s new action camera combines the best of GoPro’s Hero4 editions. → 40% off moving sale at RockyNook.

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Meyer-Optik Görlitz announces Trioplan f2.9/50 lens with a Kickstarter campaign

Meyer-Optik Görlitz announced today a new Kickstarter to fund their new Trioplan f2.9/50 lens. The 2016 Trioplan f2.9/50 offers photographers “the most versatile” Trioplan yet with a built-in front element that provides a macro capability of 1:4 and the brand’s famous soap bubble bokeh. The lens commemorates the 100 year anniversary of the Trioplan. Additional information:

Posted in Meyer Optik Görlitz | Tagged | 7 Comments

New Meyer Optik Goerlitz lens to be announced on Thursday (first sample photos)

The new Meyer Optik lens I reported about last week will be announced on Thursday, April 14th at 12 CET / 6 EST. The new lens will be funded on Kickstarter and will bring back to life one of the old Meyer-Optik lenses, but innovate upon it with modern materials and an advanced design. Here are the first […]

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Meyer Optik Goerlitz coming up with a new “legend” lens

Some quotes from Meyer-Optik-Goerlitz describing their upcoming lens (see teasers above):

Posted in Meyer Optik Görlitz | Tagged | 20 Comments

New lens from Meyer-Optik coming this Spring (plus Trioplan 100mm f/2.8 update)

Meyer-Optik will announce another new major lens project in Spring. Here is an update on their Meyer-Optik Trioplan 100mm f/2.8 lens: the lens will be officially announced in the US and global markets tomorrow. Shipments to Kickstarter backers have already begun and will continue through March. New sales will be fulfilled on a first come first serve basis as soon as the […]

Posted in Meyer Optik Görlitz | Tagged | 2 Comments

New Meyer-Optik-Görlitz Trimagon 95mm f/2.6 lens announced

Meyer-Optik-Görlitz announced a new Trimagon 95mm f/2.6 lens for Canon, Nikon, Fuji X, Sony-E, MFT, M42 and Leica M mounts. Here are the details:

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