Tag Archives: Hasselblad X1D

First Hasselblad X1D camera reviews now available online

After the last delay, it seems that the Hasselblad X1D medium format mirrorless camera is getting close to being released – the first reviews already started appearing online: check out Bloomberg and Ming Thein:

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Hasselblad X1D shipment delayed again

The shipment of the Hasselblad X1D medium format mirrorless camera is delayed again till the end of November according to German Profifoto. In the US B&H now shows the shipping date as December 1st: Hasselblad’s CEO Perry Oosting issued this statement regarding the delay:

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Hasselblad H lenses might be able to autofocus on the X1D mirrorless camera in the future

In a recent interview with dpreview, Hasselblad representative suggested that in the future H system lenses might be able to autofocus on the new X1D medium format mirrorless camera with an adapter:

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Photokina 2016: Hasselblad X1D medium format mirrorless camera

Some additional Hasselblad X1D medium format mirrorless camera coverage from Photokina. First, a recap from Photographyblog and Ephotozine interviews with Hasselblad: X1D has just started shipping Hasselblad sold more X1D cameras in 10 days, than they expected to sell in a year. Hasselblad has a roadmap of 5 additional XCD lenses for the X1D (already in development by […]

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What else is new?

→ The new shipment date of the Hasselblad X1D medium format mirrorless camera is now end of September (the shipment date was delayed once already till September 15th).    → The US pricing for the latest Samyang/Rokinon lenses were announced: Rokinon AF 14mm f/2.8 FE lens for Sony E-mount: $849 Rokinon 20mm f/1.8 ED AS UMC lens: $599 Rokinon […]

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New Hasselblad XCD 30mm medium format mirrorless lens to be announced at Photokina

In addition to the already announced XCD 45mm f/3.5 and 90mm f/3.2 medium format mirrorless lenses (pictured above) for the X1D camera, Hasselblad will announce a new XCD 30mm lens at the Photokina show in two weeks – this is according to a recently published interview with Pontus Arvåsen (product designer at Hasselblad) – see this YouTube video at […]

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New US shipping date for the Hasselblad X1D medium format mirrorless camera

From the very beginning the shipping date of the new Hasselblad X1D medium format mirrorless camera was set as end of August/early September. B&H recently updated their website and the US shipping date is currently listed as September 15th:

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