Tag Archives: Pentax 645D

Pentax will bring two new interchangeable lens cameras this summer, only one will be mirrorless

Back in January I mentioned that Pentax is working on two new interchangeable lens cameras. One of them will be the Pentax NC-1 that should be announced in the summer of 2011 and it will be a true “mirrorless solution”. The second camera is rumored to be a digital version of the Pentax Auto 110 camera. The […]

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Pentax 645 lens roadmap

At the CP+ show Pentax showed a roadmap for their 645 format lenses. There is a medium telephoto zoom for 2012, a standard zoom for 2013 and another medium telephoto zoom for 2014. Via DCWatch

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Pentax D FA 645 25mm f/4 lens (medium format) to be announced soon

I just received this rumor from Asia – Pentax will be announcing a new lens for its digital medium format 645D camera: Pentax D FA 645 25mm f/4. The Google translation is not very clear, but here are some of the mentioned specs: built-in hood lens built-in filter holder weather proof some kind of a special coating/lens element […]

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Pentax 645D unboxing video

Unboxing of the first Pentax 645D medium format camera in the US from Acephoto:

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The first Pentax 645D camera to arrive in the US this Friday

The first batch of Pentax 645D cameras will be available in stores in the US on Friday, December 10th, 2010. The medium format camera will be sold only in four stores: Acephoto, B&H, Adorama and Samys.

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Pentax got a new 25mm f/4 wide angle lens for their medium format 645D camera

TOP interviewed Ned Bunnell (President of Pentax USA) and here are the highlights: Pentax has no plans to discontinue the 31mm, 43mm and 77mm FA Limited lenses. Pentax will start shipping a new wide angle D-FA 645 25mm f/4 lens in early 2011 (for the medium format 645D camera). Apparently this lens was announced at Photokina, but Pentax forgot to tell […]

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Pentax 645D now officially coming to the US

The medium format Pentax 645D camera will now officially be coming to America (as previously reported). The Pentax 645D body  will cost $9,995.95 and the Pentax-D FA 645 55mm F2.8 lens will sell for $1,199.95. Both will start shipping in December of 2010. Only limited number of stores will be carrying this camera – see the full press release […]

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Pentax 645D coming to America

PDNguide (link is NSFW) spoke to Ned Bunnell (President of Pentax USA) during Photokina regarding the Pentax 645D release in the US : “We’re going to start to bring the 645D into the States in late November or early December but that’s based on availability. We’re still fighting fairly significant back orders in Japan.” The Pentax 645D will be […]

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More on the “Pentax 645D coming to Europe” news

Previous reports indicated that the price of the Pentax 645D in Europe will be 10,000 EUR. Yesterday Quesabesde attended a hands-on presentation in Spain and reported that the price may actually be lower: 8,000 EUR the body and a 10,000 EUR for a kit with the new Pentax FA 55mm f2.8 lens. Delivery is currently estimated for […]

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The first Pentax store in the US

Shortly after my post yesterday, Imaging-Resource announced that the first Pentax store in the US opened inside Willoughby’s Camera in NY. PDNgearguide has all the details, including an a short interview with John Carlson (senior manager of Sales and Marketing for the Pentax Imaging Company) who said that the Pentax 645D will go on sale […]

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Pentax 645D is coming to the US!

Pentax will introduce the medium format 645D camera to the US market in July, 2010. Willoughby’s will have a show next month and they will have the Pentax 645D on display. Pentax 645D will be coming to Europe as well. Update from a reader: Pentax 645D is coming also to Australia in August for around […]

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Pentax 645D already on eBay

The just released Pentax 645D is already available on eBay. The prices vary from $9,500 to $11,998: For all Pentax 645D listings on eBay click here.

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