Tag Archives: Pentax full frame DSLR

Pentax talks full frame again

DC.Watch published an interview with Pentax Japan development chief Toshiyuki Kitazawa. The direct Google translation is difficult to understand, but p1racephotography.com published several quotes from the interview confirming that the company is working on a full frame DSLR camera that will probably be released after 2013:

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The megapixels war is over, sensor size war is just starting up

The Verge published a nice video recap from Photokina: the megapixels war is over, sensor size war is just starting up. Some of the new cameras announced at Photokina 2012, like the Nikon D600, Canon 6D, Leica M-E, Sony RX1 show a new trend: many manufacturers are producing smaller and “more affordable” full frame cameras. Several companies […]

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Pentax “found some issues and challenges” but “continuing to develop full frame technologies”

In a recent Photokina interview, IR asked Pentax representatives about their position on a potential full frame DSLR camera: Q: Where do you see the role for full-frame generally and then in particular with respect to Pentax? A: It’s a very difficult question. Everybody is asking us about how Pentax is approaching full frame products. As always, […]

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Rumor: Pentax K-3 full frame DSLR camera at Photokina

A German photography magazine is reporting about a possible Photokina appearance of a full frame DSLR camera from Pentax called K-3:

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Pentax Australia: “good things are coming”

Pentax Australia promised on Twitter (via Pentaxforums) that “good things are coming” in reference to a question about a full frame Pentax DSLR camera. The company is expected to have 9 new press releases next week. Rumors are circulating about a Pentax 645D replacement, a new Pentax K-3 APS-C DSLR and the introduction of the DA 560mm f/5.6 lens.

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More Pentax full frame DSLR rumors

Rumors about a new Pentax full frame DSLR camera have been circulating for a while. Here are some new updates:

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Three new Pentax DSLRs by the end of the year, fourth full frame camera a possibility

Some Pentax rumors coming from the Russian Consumer Electronics & Photo Expo  2012 – the first three cameras are supposed to be announced by the end of 2012:

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